LBA By Laws

Litchfield Baseball Association Inc. 
426 Brown Avenue 
Litchfield, Mn 55355 
2015      Litchfield Baseball Association INC. 
     Litchfield, Minn.
NO. 51.00
The name of this corporation shall be “Litchfield Baseball Association, INC. it shall operate in accordance to
the Articles of Incorporation registered in the City of Litchfield, County of    Meeker  March 3, 1950 and its annually adopted By-Laws.
To promote cooperation and service among all agencies, groups, associations, leagues, individual and others in the building, creating and maintaining of interest in baseball in and about the City of Litchfield, Minnesota.  To conduct all of its organized activities in a businesslike  manner.
Section 1.  Individual members:      Any person agreeing to give service through this organization or who contributes by payment of dues or other membership fees or such as may be determined by the Board of Directors, shall be eligible for membership.
Section 2.      Honorary Members:  The membership or Board of Directors may select annually those persons who have contributed distinguished service to the LBA. These members shall NOT be required to pay dues.
The annual organizational meeting shall be held during the month of   November or December of each year and shall be held at such time to coincide with the organizations regular monthly meeting.  The elections of officers shall be held at this meeting.  Roberts Rules of order shall at all times govern meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors.
All elected officers and Board of Directors shall serve for a term of one year. The officers of this corporation\ Association shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer and not less than (8) or more than (15) directors each of whom shall be a member of the corporation.  They shall take office immediately upon being elected. The Board shall nominate and fill any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors for the remainder of the unexpired term in question.  The Board of Directors shall carry out all functions of the Corporation as they may arise during the year in office.  A Quorum of three (3) members present shall be required for a legal meeting.
President:  To preside at all meetings of LBA membership.  Has overall responsibility of the Corporation and Baseball Associations direction, carrying out its purpose.
Vice President:  Perform duties in President’s absence.
Secretary:  Shall record all minutes of the Corporations meetings conducted and keep records thereof.  Shall provide clerical functions of the Corporation. Shall keep membership informed of current events.
Treasurer:  Has responsibility and custody funds of this corporation and pays bills by direction of the Board of Directors and membership. Shall present annually to the Board and Membership General Guidelines for Finance policies and procedures. Shall obtain for the corporation proper insurance coverage, special required licenses and implement proper Tax reporting as required by law.
a.        The Board shall exercise the corporate powers of the corporation.
b.        To adopt such policies and procedures for the operation of this corporation.
c.        To appoint such additional committees as it may deem expedient; for the carrying out of the objects of this corporation.
d.         To arrange for the raising of funds.
e.         To control the distribution of funds collected.
            To employ such persons as it may deem necessary for the successful prosecution of the objects of this corporation.
f.          To give, once a year a full and complete report of its activities at annually organizational meeting following their term of office.
Committees: –  
All members of the organization shall be eligible to serve on these committees unless stated otherwise.   All committees shall have a minimum of (2) members, one who will serve as chairperson  They shall be appointed annually by the President, Board of Directors.and membership.  Additional committee’s may be appointed as needed.
100.0 Membership Activities Committee:       This Committee shall recruit, certify membership and maintain an official membership list with address and phone numbers.  Shall be in charge of year end social events.
120.0      CONCESSIONS COMMITTEE:  Shall be responsible for all Concession & Souvenir  Sales  as per General Guidelines for Finance policies and  procedures.  They shall control the concession area and set procedures for it use.  They shall obtain proper personnel (volunteer or other ) to man the operation. They shall submit an annual budget.  
140.0 FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE:   Shall plan, promote, construct, and maintain baseball facilities in the City of Litchfield.
130.0  FUND RAISING COMMITTEE:  Shall be responsible for planning and organizing fund raising activities. They shall recommend annually setting cost of season tickets, sales to individuals, Stadium Seat Sales, Field Signs and commercial sponsorships. They shall obtain field ticket collecting personnel.
150.00  PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE:   Shall be responsibility for providing promotional information such as new releases, to News Media membership and the public.  They shall provide programs for all baseball games and related events.  They shall be charged with special promotions, Old timers games, and Hall of Fame recognition.
160.0 YOUTH ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE:  Shall be responsible for communicating and coordinating the Cal Ripken, Babe Ruth, VFW, Legion and other community baseball programs.
170.00  BLUES TEAM OPERATIONS COMMITTEE:  Shall be responsible for the Blues Team operations, equipment, scheduling, communication, League and general team needs.  The Committee shall provide an annual budget.
190.00   GAMBLING OPERATIONS:  The committee shall be appointed when operating a gambling operation. The committee shall conduct Gambling activities as provided by law and make monthly & annual reports to the LBA membership. The President, Gambling Manager and (2) appointed Board members shall make up this committee.  The Finance officer shall not be eligible to serve on this committee.